Elementary School Special Learning Courses

Here you will find pertinent information or updates about our Specials classes. PCES offers the following Specials on a daily rotation:


Art is an integral part of the total elementary school curriculum, recognized by National Standards to be part of the core of quality education. All children in grades K-5 should receive regularly scheduled art instruction taught by certified visual arts specialists. Art is an important means of self-expression. The Georgia Performance Standards for Visual Art builds opportunities for children to develop innate sensibilities through making and studying art. This appropriate set of standards for elementary art has been designed to develop aesthetic understanding, creative thinking, perceptual awareness, artistic skills and knowledge, historical and cultural context, critical analysis, and connections to other disciplines.

Computer Science

Long-Term Goals for this Subject are to Enable students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as effective communication skills using computer applications or social media.

In addition, students will learn:

  • ethical standards regarding Internet usage, fair use policies, Netiquette, etc.
  • ability to use modern technology (i.e., printers, scanners, digital cameras, SmartPhones,
  • tablets, palm devices, etc.) and to become self-directed learners.

Students should also be able to . . .

  • select appropriate software application to a given task/problem.
  • use basic features of computer application software.
  • understand basic computer vocabulary and jargon and/or know where to find the information.
  • analyze a task/problem and then use software application features to solve the task/problem.
  • understand that computers only follow instructions and if given incorrect instructions the computer will yield invalid results/outcomes.
  • locate sufficient and appropriate (valid and reliable) resources when conducting research using the Internet. 


Music is an essential element in the fabric of a fully developed human being. The study of music in K-5 grades uniquely embraces a sequential and quality performance-based curriculum that is developmentally appropriate to all learners. The Georgia Performance Standards in K-5 General Music are modeled after the National Standards for music as published by the Music Educators National Conference (MENC).

Physical Education

Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Students will be able to demonstrate all striking and throwing patterns. Students can catch a moving object from a high trajectory in non-game play environments and are able to catch objects at a medium level trajectory during game play.

Students are able to combine skills in dynamic and complex situations, demonstrating sequences commonly associated with various sports and activities.

Students demonstrate the ability to hit targets when performing manipulative skills. Students are able to combine movement in meaningful ways, creating movement sequences that are smooth and fluid and done to several different rhythmic patterns.


Science Lab

Instruct hands-on experiments with little spongy minds that soak up labs & ask for more!

Explore standards & concepts by teamwork, hands-on Problem Solving techniques, varied use of materials (mostly coming from the recycle bins & attics), technology.

Renovate the PCES Butterfly Garden/Outdoor Classroom providing the perfect setting for Science Exploration.

Plant, grow and maintain plant, vegetable and flower gardens.

Composting food scraps, we can “create” our own soil for future veggies & native plants.

Discussing the redesign process of engineering.

The use of upcycled materials while learning about respecting nature.

Special Courses Instructors

Wood, Mandi
Science Lab Teacher
Smith, Ken
Physical Education Teacher
O'Steen, Ashley
Physical Education Teacher
Horne, Patrick
Computer Applications Teacher
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Upcoming Events
  1. PCES Book Fair!!

    September 9 @ 8:00 am - September 13 @ 2:30 pm
  2. Fall Picture Day

    September 11
  3. Boosterthon Fun Run

    September 24
  4. Early Release Day

    October 3
Contact Info
Pike County Elementary School can be reached by first connecting with our central administration office. Please find our contact information below.
  • 607 Pirate Drive, Zebulon, Ga 30295
  • 770-567-4444
  • info@pike.k12.ga.us