Our school counselor is Patti Hester. She has experience teaching 1st – 5th grade students and has been our counselor since 2009. She is here to help all students and parents have a successful school year. She can assist with 504 Plans, school volunteers, mentors, backpack program, and assistance with finding outside counseling for children and adults.
Ms. Hester created a “Pike Family Resources” website to assist you with finding needs including family support, mental health, medical, dental, hearing, and vision support. Please follow this link for these resources: https://sites.google.com/view/pikefamilyresources/home
To contact Ms. Hester, please call 770-567-4444 ext. 4105 or you may email her at hesterp@pike.k12.ga.us .
Our counselor also offers a Lunch Bunch program which gives students an opportunity connect with the counselor and others in a small group setting.
At PCES, we strive to instill an excitement for learning in each student. Our teachers and staff are highly qualified, and while academics come first, our school is also unique in that we offer a broad range of extracurricular activities and clubs. This includes an art club, beta club, chorus, and an acting club.
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